
Community Remedy Agreement

Community Remedy Agreement: An Overview

A Community Remedy Agreement (CRA) is a new approach in the UK’s criminal justice system, which aims to empower local communities to address low-level criminal offences committed in their area. The CRA is designed to provide a quick and effective solution to minor crimes that do not require formal criminal proceedings, such as anti-social behavior, criminal damage, and low-level violence.

How Does CRA Work?

The CRA involves a partnership between the police, local authorities, and the community. Once an offence has been committed, the police may offer the offender the option of entering into a CRA, rather than facing formal criminal proceedings. If the offender agrees to the CRA, they will sign an agreement with the police and the local community outlining the steps they will take to make amends for their crime.

The CRA agreement may include a range of measures, such as paying compensation or carrying out community service, attending victim awareness courses, or writing letters of apology to the victim. The aim of the CRA is to provide a way for the offender to make amends for their actions and repair the harm caused to the victim and the wider community.

Benefits of CRA

The CRA has several benefits for the community, the victim, and the offender. Firstly, it allows the community to take an active role in addressing low-level crime in their area, creating a sense of ownership and empowerment. Secondly, the CRA provides a quick and effective solution to minor crimes, saving time and resources that would otherwise be spent on formal criminal proceedings. Thirdly, the CRA allows the offender to take responsibility for their actions and make amends, rather than simply being punished.

Finally, the CRA can help to reduce reoffending rates by addressing the underlying causes of low-level crime, such as alcohol or drug misuse, and providing support to help offenders make positive changes in their lives.


In conclusion, the Community Remedy Agreement is a valuable tool in the criminal justice system, providing a quick and effective solution to low-level crime and empowering local communities to take an active role in addressing crime in their area. The CRA offers benefits for the community, the victim, and the offender, helping to reduce reoffending rates and addressing the underlying causes of low-level crime. As such, the Community Remedy Agreement represents a positive step forward in the UK’s criminal justice system and is worth considering for implementation in other countries.